Blog Archive

16 August 2015


You are riding the first wave of the great changes in the system of our Great World-Republic, brothers and sisters.  And the first stage is to have contrive a new currency, featuring the greatest Heroes of Governmental Affairs.  From the Prophet John the Baptist, who carried the legacies of IsiaH, IlYA, and Amos, to the Publick Universal Friend, these are the people who in mind and body pushed the yoke of progress forward.

The Great New Currency is as follows:
a) Padma Shambhava, with tails is the Lotus-Bud "my home is the realm of possibility": one schilling (1/20 Jackie)
b) THE Publick Universal Friend, with tails featuring Beaver: five schillings (1/4 Jackie)
c) John THE Baptist, with tails is the Olive "make straight the highway": one Jackie
d) Nelson Mandela, with tails is the Cut-Branch "be ready to sacrifice all for the freedom of the people": four Jackies
e) Sejong successor of Koryo Choson Dynasty, with tails "To share in the joys of living with Heaven’s People": ten Jackies
f) thomas JEFFERSON, with tails is the Acacia Tree "the husbandman": twenty-five Jackies
g) Tariq ben Ziyad, with tails is the tempEL of al-Andalu "the word of God": one hundred Jackies
H) LHASA de Sela, with tails is the Tree of Forgetting along the Living Road "the living road": one thousand Jackies
I) Charles the Magnificent, tails is the LILY: ten thousand Jackies

The Jackie is the basis for World Currency as we now know it.  There is no special or specific tradition that is linked to the name "the Jackie", just an affectionate term.  It reflects the deeds of all Great Leaders, who in their own humility have created a Nation of lasting legacy.

See More deTails about these Great World Leaders:
e) Sejohn the Ruler of "Heaven's People"
d) Nelson Mandela
f) thomas JEFFERSON
H) Tariq ben Ziyad  One apologie for this a poor representation of Tariq.  May peace be upon you.
I) Charles the Magnificent
a) PATmaa

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