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12 January 2012


Exploring Neptune's Role in the American Dream

American Dream, as we understand it today, is a patchwork of tales handed to us from 3 or 4 generations ago. Horatio Alger is particularly notorious a writer, as 40% of entrepeneurs from the early 20th century personally testified. The books he wrote helped readers to imagine success as an inevitability for certain individuals; in a sense, he ushered these entrepeneurs towards the persistence necessary to have prevalence in our world. Titles such as "Bound to Rise / Up the Ladder" provided an honest blueprint for those individuals.
Exploring the astrology in Horatio Alger, we can draw aspects which are as clear and honest as the books written by the reverend and pragmatic philosopher. This was a man who was born when the Sun transited the position of Neptune in the heavens. The influence of this planet on the will of his individual helped him to write in an offering-style for the youth of the year 1900.
We can say, during that industrious period, dreams had the character which probed and shaped the individuals' conscience life. It was isolated, and taught the warrior that others, those who shun your Dream, must also be shunned by the drawn straws. His relationship with himself before his relationship with others. That was over a century long ago.
The death of my townmate Mary Elizabeth Mauro, who lived 79 years (the 1/2 year of Neptune) signified something to me. There is a fact we cannot ignore, in that the way the American Dream was foretold for Mary Elizabeth must take on a different character in the world today. Neptune is looking at Urantia in the same way as Urantia once had seen Neptune.
The role of the American Dream has shifted also. In the time of Mary's youth, the American Dream had the "I can make it" character. On this DDay, the Dream is more like "let us work together". Once, AD had a personal shape to it. This has gone through transfiguration over the last 79 years.
Neptune influences individuals who are willing to sacrifice personal concerns and realise that there are others in the world who suffer more. The pilgrim has many Meccas to choose from, and must find our Father within hersdlf.
And this has all led from the construction of the individual Neptunian force, which had crystallised perfectly at the sunset of 19'69. And with the year 1972, year we had seen the birth of the movement of a collective Neptune. We had seen the family living in the bus or trailer. We had seen an entire culture that had "dranken the punch" (Anti-Socialist Propaganda).
After John Denver left us, having played his last concert at Corpus Christi Louisiana, it became clear to many that the way of old, the American Dream, had inherited its officiation from Asia after the regime wars of USSR/USA.
While the American Dream in the United States reached a state of succour due to rock & role (Don McLean), the Nixon Administration apportioned the last-shelved doses of it and pumped it into the soldiers who went to Asia to fight for democracy. With them, the American Dream became riddled by the transcendant and demonic shamanism of the locals in Laos and Indonesia. The people who were not afraid of the body's expiration who chose to afflict the minds of US Soldiers (whose nation had breeched some etherial boundary).
So that the Soldiers who returned to the Amerikan Continent carried with them the dreams of the mainland continent of Urantia {Trans Aseuria}. It is the the next configuration of energy paths, after the Suez Canal's umbilical chord separated the Middle-East and infected the Meditteranean through Bengalese currents. The many-faced beast of the Sri's is breeding, and this puts fears into the council at Cyprus and haunts the Cretiat maidens. Neptune in its phase had foreseen this, and now its currents preside the "skips" in modern broadcast.
God's plan of destiny wages its secrets in the Neptunian core. There were Picscean Vestibules stored in its bom-shelters. And there is a mirth that has "stiff-armed" the present, next, and many generation. Neptune shall wait an entire cycle 60,189. "And they shall ask for drink and Lo, it shall not be given unto them" And meanwhile unaware, you are looking to built their anti-Ray. Christ Ray Charles, the visionray.
This is the j'ang influence that causes "the sleep" in modern America, which now threatens Portugal and Liberia. It can only reach them through a Panamanian Current. It is the life of the Saint' Community. Neptune gives, in swaddling fashion, all that we hear the potency of shared-prayer to considerate people.
The wound that we have been dealt through the Speare is living, and in 30 years, in the passge of Neptune from Personal into Individual again, we will be forced to account for the things we have chosen for in this Day. I am speaking of the inevitable moment where the age of a person is insignificant, when Great Grandmother blends into Great Great Grandmother, and the character and spirit of true personality allows the Daughter to Mother her once-parent.
As for Mary Elizabeth, who took her joy and brought it to the South, we can all look upon the fact of Neptune as with "the draft". The purest dreams are now only given to those who aspire most charitably. It is now the "Collective American Dream", rather than an Individual One.
Horatio Alger died as the completed individual when Horatio ejaculated his last ounce of conscience of remorse. Truly, he was the last real protege of Alger, and in the twenty-first century of the GRegorian Calendar, we have seen his departure, and the full life of Watterson's Calvin & Hobbes. Now, people's thought is kept in windows, and the rock of Peter can only hear Jesus, though he is in denial.
We will love you and you will find our womb and eternally basque in the Lord's graces. This is my faith and your endurance. Saint'e I now charge you with the same mission as I.

I, Stephen SEla Kelly
to the underlaying unity of all life
so that the voice of intuition may guide us
closer to our common keeper

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